Monday, March 7, 2011

I know it has been a few days since I have put on an update.  Sorry about that, but here you go.

Not much of an update is always good news.  :)   Max is doing well.  He is gaining weight nicely, he is now 1060 grams and it on the maximum amount of food he can receive every 3 hours.  It looks like they will even be taking out his IV this evening.  As I have learned this can always change, but I will have my fingers crossed.  This means that he will be getting all of his nutrition from milk and the extra calories they add to it.  This is a huge step.  The next step is to get back to the other ventilator, but they want to make sure if they move him to that they can put it on very low setting so there isn't damage done to his lungs.  It is just a waiting game until him lungs mature enough.

Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.  I know a lot of them are the same, but he doesn't do much so I don't get a lot of different pictures.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I never get tired of seeing his cute pictures...such a sweetie pie!
