Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pictures from 2/28 & 3/1 (8:00am)

Maxwell is doing pretty good.  His blood gasses have been up and down and they have had to keep adjusting his oxygen levels.  They are not really sure why they haven't been able to stabilize this.  They just keep doing tests to see why his little body isn’t stabilizing.  He is still nice and pink and will probably need to have another blood transfusion this afternoon.  He seems to like his blood.  :)

Oh yeah, yesterday he was 990 grams, That is about 2 pounds 3 ounces.  (28.3 grams per ounce)  He is gaining weight very nicely.

Here are some pictures from the last 2 days.  I think he is sooo cute that I can never decide on just a few pictures so I have to pick out a lot of them.  Hope you enjoy.


I see you!!

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